Web Development Course with HTML & CSS Beginners to Pro: Build Facebook Clone Like a Pro!
in Web DevelopmentAbout this course
By the end you will learn how to build a Facebook clone and any website of your choice with this step-by-step HTML and CSS web development course.
Perfect for beginners and aspiring developers. Enroll now to build beautiful and responsive websites that stand out.
1. HTML elements, structure, tags, containers
2. HTML attributes
Project - Simple Blog page
3. Links and bookmarking
Project - Create pages and link them together - link section together
4. Intro to CSS, syntax, inline, internal and external style sheet
5. Simple selectors, combinator selectors & universal selector
6. Txt and font properties
Project - Style a Simple Blog page
7. List, link and psuedo selctors (psuedo-class :)
Project - create your favorite movie list with link to their trailers
Project - Create and style navigation menu bar
8. Pseudo-elements selectors = table
Project - Create snd style CSS table
9. Box model - margin, padding & border
10. Rounded border & outline
Project = Create a Nigeria flag
10. Box-shadow & hover effects
Project - Product cards
Project - Twitter button
11. Inline elements and block elements
12. Image, fomatting tag button, list, text properties
Project - Create a and style a persoanl portfolio
13. Color
Project - Color band
14. CSS Display
Project - Create a navigation bar
14. Position
Projects - Cards inside cards
Project - Create a fixed bar (vertical & horizontal)
15. Background & background properties
16. Gradients and its properties
Project - build landing page with hero image
16. Forms styling
Project - Create a beautiful signup form
17. Google fonts and CSS icons
Projects -Youtube like, subscribe icons
18. Max-width, min-height
19. CSS float, and overflow
20. transform, transition, animation
Project - Spinning ball, Review cards
21. CSS varables
22. CSS flexbox
Project - Create video gallery
Project - Create image gallery
Portfolio website
23 CSS grid
Project - Business Website
24 CSS responsive
Project - Make the created website above mobile friendly
25. Final Project - Build Facebook Clone - Facebook Frontpage
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